From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Identifying bad vocal edits

Identifying bad vocal edits - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Identifying bad vocal edits

- [Instructor] I mix a lot of sessions that I didn't track, and while some arrive in perfect shape with tracks edited well and everything in order, in some sessions, I deal with audio that is in less-than-stellar shape. A common problem I encounter is poorly-edited vocal tracks. Many times, the engineer or producer or artist is compiling a master tape from a number of passes, and if they forget to check every edit, there could be many problems. The other issue is that these poor edits have been consolidated into a single file, reducing my ability to repair the vocal track. I've created my own version of a poorly-edited vocal comp to illustrate these issues. Up here on the top, I have the vocals consolidated like I would receive in a session, and then here in the bottom are the tracks that this vocal-consolidated track is created from. We're going to go through and I'll illustrate some of the problems that I frequently encounter. The first is a doubled S sound. ♪ Words s-always come ♪…
