From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Foam windscreens affect sound

Foam windscreens affect sound - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Foam windscreens affect sound

- [Instructor] I've wondered for years whether a foam pop screen or windscreen on a microphone really affects the sound it picks up. I've always assumed it did, but why not investigate this here at "Real Recording School Weekly"? To start, I pipe pink noise out through my studio monitors in my live room, and placed a nice dynamic mic in front. I recorded a bit, and then I went out, put a foam filter over the mic, and I recorded some more with the windscreen on. Then I listened to the results back-to-back. Be careful and turn your monitors down, as I'm going to play a blast of pink noise as recorded off my monitors. So here's the windscreen off. (pink noise) Here's the windscreen on. (pink noise) Okay, if you're like me, those sound pretty much the same. We can try nulling them out against each other and invert polarity for one channel and see if there's a difference that we can hear. (pink noise) Well, that…
