From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Fixing fades on an entire mix

Fixing fades on an entire mix - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Fixing fades on an entire mix

- [Narrator] Here's a simple trick that keeps my DAW sessions clean and free of unwanted clicks and pops. I find that many recordists forget to apply cross-fades, and fades in and out on tracks with parts that they've edited or sometimes punched in on. It can be a laborious process to zoom in and look for edits that need to be fixed like this. What I do is select all the regions in a track, or even a whole session, and apply a batch fade preset. These are small three millisecond fades, so they don't generally pull in other hidden content, like a drum hit or a vocal blip that we don't hear or see in the audio clip, from the two sides of a cross-fade. The preset is also set not to overwrite existing fades. This could be dangerous if you have set up general fadeouts, or long cross-fades previously, that are needed for the mix. In Pro Tools, make sure not to check the adjust existing boxes, on any of these new fades. Fades are also set to equal gain, in order to sound transparent, and not…
