From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Finding kick drum articulation

Finding kick drum articulation - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Finding kick drum articulation

- [Instructor] Here we have two examples of changing the kick drum sound drastically just by moving the mic in relation to the drum itself. These are neither wrong or right. This is just here to help you understand how mic positioning is going to affect the sound of the kick drum and what components you're going to get more or less of by changing the position. This is the sound of the kick mic when it's kind of further outside the front head. You could hear a bit of room on it. It's a little further away. And it doesn't have a lot of really strong low end. Let me show you exactly where we position this. In here, you could see the positioning of the mic outside of the drum head. Here's another shot. So with that kind of positioning, once again, take a listen and realize what you're getting. You're getting a quite a bit of the room. You're getting a bit of the other drum, the snare. Everything's coming through. Now, if we move the kick drum mic in closer, we're going to sound like this.…
