From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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EQing overhead drum mics

EQing overhead drum mics

- [Instructor] Many times with modern music we use the overhead mics mostly for the cymbal sounds and rely on close mics for kick, snare, and toms. In cases like this or if I don't like the sound to begin with I frequently find myself doing some track to EQ to the mics on drum kit overheads in order to get them to give me what I want in the mix. Here are three examples of different drum overheads and three different EQ tricks. With the small diaphragm mics I wanted to do a cut in the low mid-range so that the frequencies of the kit don't double up with the overheads. A little bit of a cut will do it. Here it is unaffected. (elated drum music) With a cut (elated drum music) I'll search around and find a point that works best too especially with the whole mix in usually. Note that you can really change the sound of the room in the drum overheads by doing that. With large diaphragm mics we have a different set of problems. (elated drum music) Note that the snare's a little tubbier. I…
