From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Drum room ribbon mic angle

Drum room ribbon mic angle - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Drum room ribbon mic angle

- [Narrator] For years I've enjoyed using ribbon mics for capturing the distant sound of a drum kit in a room. Here's just the close mics. (slow drum plays) And then a ribbon across the room. (distant drum beat playing) You can really hear what it adds to the mix. I like that ribbon mics don't get brash in the higher frequencies. And that they pick up a lot of room sound. with their front and back figure eight polar patterns. Many times I've used just one mono mic for a simple room sound. And years ago I though I'd try turning the mic, so the null was facing the drumset. That means that the two lobes that are picking up the figure eight pattern are pointing at the sides of the room and not towards the drumset. I assumed that this would give me a more defused drum sound, but I never experimented with setting up two ribbon mics to listen to, until now. Soloing listening to the two mics, we do hear the differences. Here's the ribbon mic facing away from the drumset, towards the walls…
