From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Drum room mics as overheads

Drum room mics as overheads - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Drum room mics as overheads

- [Instructor] Once I was sent a record to mix where the band had somehow lost the drum overhead tracks. I could never figure how they did that, but I was called in to try and salvage something from the existing tracks. I was repeatedly told, don't use the room mics, they sound terrible. But when you're asked to mix an album, and especially asked to repair something like this, you have to check out all the available tracks to make sure. When I pulled up the drum tracks, I was surprised, as the main close mics were pretty decent. When I went to listen to the room mics, I was also surprised, as they weren't completely awful, so here's what I did, and I'm going to apply it on some drums that I recorded at Jackpot. First, I'm going to take these room mics, and I'm going to try to line them up in time. I remember looking at them before, I had these mics facing in different directions, so, you can see if you zoom way in on the waveform here at the top, that they are actually getting the…
