From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Doubling guitar octaves

Doubling guitar octaves

- [Larry] Maybe this one is more of an arranging trick than a recording trick, but it's one that I use all the time when producing. Say you have a simple, delineated guitar, single note melody part in a song. (guitar and drum set) It can sound cool. But what if it is doubled an octave lower? If the register is right, it can be doubled on the same guitar. But I find using a baritone guitar, which is usually tuned to a perfect fourth lower than a typical electric six string, will add a different tonality and feel. You'll need to figure out where the notes are, and play with your fingers in a different position, as the tuning is all different. (guitar and drum set) The other option I have in my studio is a Squire copy of the Fender Bass Six. This guitar is one octave lower than a standard electric six string, and the bottom four strings are usually tuned the same as a four string bass. But they are a much thinner…
