From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Dealing with snare drum ring

Dealing with snare drum ring - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Dealing with snare drum ring

(drum beat) - [Narrator] Hear that ring of the snare? The sort of metallic overtone? Here, let me just solo this for you real quick. (drum beat) Depending on the style of music, the ring of the snare can be totally appropriate, or totally wrong, or just a subtle undertone, or something that's very important to everything, depending on the player, the type of drums their using, the room they're in, all this stuff can change as well. It's a real defining kind of part of a lot of pop music these days, and something any recordist should be aware of. So for this example, the one we just heard, the snare was recorded just wide open. No treatment, no damping whatsoever. For the second example we're going to hear, we place moon gel on the head of the snare. Moon gel is like a rubbery, sticky kind of substance, that burns off some of the energy and the vibration of the drum head, by jiggling, basically, while you're hitting the drum, and it changes the tone of the snare, as we'll see in the…
