From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Dark bass amp with bright DI box

Dark bass amp with bright DI box - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Dark bass amp with bright DI box

- [Instructor] When tracking bass with a band, I have frequently found myself getting a similar sound through the mic on the amp as I am getting from the DI box that is also on the bass. I guess I'm usually adjusting them both to sound good when soloed. But, if they sound the same, what was the point of tracking two versions of the same bass performance. So now, on some sessions, I will intentionally set the amp and the bass DI to have very different tones. In the case here, I've rolled the high end off the amp. You can see that photo's a little blurry. I'm quite sorry. But, you can see where I've turned the high end way down on the amplifier's EQ. And I've set the tube DI box with some treble boost, as you can see there on the knob second from right. Let's take a listen. Here's the bass and mic soloed. (bass music, sounding muted) And here's the DI. (bass music, with more buzz) Note how different those are. Now, let's combine them. (bass music, with richer sound) And you can adjust…
