From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Checking mixes: Left minus right

Checking mixes: Left minus right - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Checking mixes: Left minus right

- [Instructor] When mixing, it's important to know as much as possible about how the blends of sounds you are working on are working together. One aspect that people frequently guess at is how much of the content of a mix is not center channel information, but is discretely being heard in the left and right channels. In this session I've created an audition path for the mix via a subgroup, by sending all the audio tracks to buses one and two, left and right. For the bus returns, or aux inputs labeled mono, the channels are panned to the center, and the right channel has a trim plugin inserted, allowing me to flip the polarity of the channels against each other. This will allow me to hear the difference between the left and right sides of the audio. As any common audio information or sound that occupies the phantom center of a stereo track, will cancel out due to the phase differences. When I open up the mix subgroup…
