From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Boosting snare hit pickup

Boosting snare hit pickup

- [Instructor] Many songs have some moment in the mix where a single snare hit or sometimes a floor tom or a rack tom announce the entry of a new section. This might occur at the top of a song after a guitar intro, after a break in the middle of an arrangement, or at the end of a song before a final fill. Either way, it always helps to pay attention to this sort of drum part, and make sure it is working properly. In this track we have a moderately loud snare pickup leading into the main part of the drumbeat. Here is how it sounds naturally. (drumbeat) There are several ways we can give this hit a boost in order to bring the beat to the floor and make the part more dramatic. In some cases just bumping of the volume of the close snare mic will work. I'll cut the region and use clip gain, or even put the snare hit on its own track. (drumbeat) Or. (drumbeat) But sometimes I don't find this sound satisfying. If the drum track has room mics, these can be boosted at the same spot for a…
