From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Blumlein vs. X/Y drum room sounds

Blumlein vs. X/Y drum room sounds - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Blumlein vs. X/Y drum room sounds

- [Instructor] For this test, I set up a pair of mics across the room from a drum set, to capture room ambiance. And I tried them in Bloomline and XY modes. Bloomline is where the capsules are both in figure eight patterns. And by placing them below and above each other, like you see here, at 90 degree angles facing out to get the stereo spread, a stereo image is captured. But this sound is picked up from the front and the rear of the capsules. Switching the mics over to cardioid patterns and leaving them in the same exact position, we get a typical XY pair of mics, also picking up a 90-degree stereo spread. Let's hear the differences. So here we have, on the left side, the Bloomline pair, and then on the right side the XY pair. And we're just gonna take a quick listen to those soloed. (rhythmic drum music) Over to XY. (rhythmic drum music) Now back to Bloomline. (rhythmic drum music) And back to XY. (rhythmic drum music) The main thing you first hear is that the figure eight mics in…
