From the course: React: Ecosystems

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- Animation is next. Ow. Using applications can be boring if there isn't animation to enhance the interactions when you click on something. Or, the application updates, or events occur between you and the app. In fact, research has shown that subtle and well-placed animations make the difference between an addictive application and one that just feels meh. For React there are a few ways to do animation. For example, there is the transition group that is part of React's library. But it's quite simple and doesn't provide too many options. If you want to get started quickly you can always use it. But if you really want to push the animation possibilities or even do a full feature show using some of the 12 principles of animation then you're better off using a library like React Motion. React Motion offers spring, motion, and transitions and many other ways to get your components on, and off screen. Or interact with user events. To get started with animation and React Motion visit…
