From the course: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons
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From the course: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons
- [Instructor] Heat maps are a great way to find outliers in a data set, and R provides a heat map command, so let's take a little bit of time to learn how R implements this very useful plot. The first thing to understand is that heat maps in R can only be done on a matrix. They cannot be done on a data frame, so your data set must be a matrix. In line one, two, and three you can see that I've created a matrix called mySimpleData, and in lines five and six I've placed two outliers that we're going to try to find. Let's take a quick look at mySimpleData just to see what it looks like. Here it is, mySimpleData, and I hit return, and then return again, and you can see that the mySimpleData matrix contains four columns, wheat, rye, quinoa, and rice, and rows corresponding to months of the year. Notice that the numbers are all numeric, there aren't characters and there aren't factors, and that's required by matrix. In a matrix all the values are one class. So, let's create a heat map for…
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R built-in data sets5m 21s
Vector math5m 57s
Subsetting7m 17s
R data types: Basic types7m 34s
R data types: Vector5m 16s
R data types: List5m 27s
R data types: Factor5m 15s
R data types: Matrix8m 48s
R data types: Array3m 50s
R data types: Data frame6m 44s
Data frames: Order and merge8m 10s
Data frames: Read and update4m 44s
Data frames: rbind3m 4s
Dataframes: cbind3m 11s
apply and lapply3m 21s
mapply2m 21s
plot2m 45s
Brackets and double-brackets2m 50s
mean, rowMeans, and colMeans1m 49s
RSQLite3m 44s
sqldf2m 9s
Aggregate3m 17s
Random numbers4m 26s
Pipeline4m 42s
Working with clipboards2m 45s
barplot2m 31s
Pie chart2m 11s
unlist3m 24s
Joins: Inner and full3m 3s
Joins: Left and right2m 13s
Sets: Union, intersect, and difference2m 10s
Sets: Equal and in2m 14s
colors2m 25s
ifelse3m 5s
spineplot2m 36s
browser3m 37s
debugonce2m 25s
Default mirror2m 31s
Dealing with NA6m 1s
Using with()2m 55s
Simple string matching4m 35s
grep2m 53s
dotchart3m 54s
fourfoldplot3m 34s
matplot3m 50s
dimnames5m 4s
mosaicplot4m 23s
stemplot2m 57s
stripchart3m 10s
sunflower2m 57s
Switch2m 16s
Switch on factors2m 18s
Any/all4m 13s
sub, gsub, regex, and backreferences4m 52s
agrep and fuzzy matching4m 44s
combn finds combinations2m 33s
edit, fix, and dataentry4m 57s
zeallot5m 30s
menu2m 58s
person3m 16s
txtProgressBar3m 13s
zip and tar3m 50s
bitwise4m 11s
by is like tapply4m 15s
Update your R4m 1s
Be careful with transpose4m 45s
Passwords4m 45s
heatmap4m 24s
combine4m 11s
stopifnot2m 44s
weighted.mean2m 16s
chartr3m 50s
file.choose4m 2s
duplicated and unique2m 52s
load and save4m 23s
floor, round, ceiling, and trunc2m 32s
expand.grid2m 55s
Professional groups2m 26s
Simplify with c3m 29s
Logical operators5m 56s
char.expand3m 57s
complete.cases3m 16s
swirl2m 8s
tryCatch3m 23s
Double colons3m 5s
for loop4m 54s
The 100th episode4m 12s
while loop4m 18s
repeat loop4m 14s
Create your own swirl lesson4m 4s
Logic and flow control4m 2s
matrix, row, and column4m 41s
cumsum, cumprod, cummax, an dcummin4m 11s
issymetric3m 14s
file.info4m 1s
dput and dget4m 35s
Sort a data frame by multiple columns4m 12s
diag2m 52s
crossprod3m 13s
upper.tri and lower.tri3m 7s
strsplit() splits strings at matched characters2m 37s
Use setnames() to change the name of an object5m 3s
Change the structure of a vector with stack()4m 44s
Use droplevels() to simplify factors3m 26s
Use .Rmd for documentation7m 2s
Use rep() to create long repetitive vectors4m 58s
Use format() to improve readability4m 53s
Use pmax() and pmin() to discover the scope of paired vectors5m 18s
Use print() for more than you do now4m 55s
Use range() and extendrange() to analyze and manipulate groups of numbers3m 42s
Evaluate the importance of a number with rank()4m 51s
Use saveRDS() and readRDS() to serialize objects3m 26s
Use regular expressions with regexpr() and gregexpr()4m 22s
message5m 21s
regexpr5m 45s
diff4m 50s
exists1m 57s
formulas4m 42s
RPres5m 26s
lattice: Introduction5m 8s
lattice: xyplot5m 37s
lattice: cloud and wireframe4m 31s
lattice: contourplot4m 8s
lattice: barchart4m 57s
lattice: splom charts6m 14s
lattice: panels4m 50s
lattice: stripplot3m 18s
whichmin and whichmax2m 52s
par: font, size, color5m 10s
par: margins6m 21s
par: pch and points3m 17s
legend5m 26s
identical3m 28s
Matrix math: Overview of functions1m 38s
Matrix math review4m 50s
matrix: solve systems4m 11s
matrix: solve inverse3m 32s
matrix: backsolve and forwardsolve5m 24s
Matrix: Determinant3m
Arrays and outer2m 49s
Matrix: Crossproduct2m 7s
Matrix SVD and QR decomposition3m 39s
Matrix: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors1m 38s
Locator4m 38s
on.exit4m 11s
missing3m 11s
nargs2m 28s
tidyverse5m 43s
gutenbergr5m 4s
Create and clean a natural language corpus7m 25s
Remove stopwords from an NLP corpus5m 16s
NLP and term-document matrix5m 53s
Analyze term-document matrix5m 38s
NLP packages: Tidytext5m 7s
NLP packages: Quanteda7m 40s
NLP packages: Sentiment analysis8m 28s
Word clouds3m 10s
Hidden features of installr4m 1s
Use the Matrix package5m 29s
Create a sparse matrix4m 21s
Sparse matrices, triangles, and more6m 25s
Bootstrap analysis with R6m 8s
checkUsage4m 41s
Use R on the Raspberry Pi7m 32s
list2df()4m 28s
Introduction to clustering2m 23s
Clustering with kmeans6m 57s
Clustering with pam and clara6m 23s
Understanding silhouette graphs8m 39s
Clustering with fanny5m 23s
Clustering with hclust5m 12s
Clustering with agnes6m 22s
Clustering with diana4m 20s
cutree and identify with hclust4m 15s
Clustering with mona4m 31s
Clustering: dist vs. daisy4m 32s
Parameterized R markdown3m 42s
Run R on a schedule2m 53s
The new forward pipe operator3m 56s
Backslash lambda functions5m 24s
Dist() in depth5m 29s
Scale()3m 9s
toJSON4m 6s
fromJSON3m 48s
Validate JSON2m 28s
Plotmath and expression2m 24s
Run R in batch mode5m 40s
Explore music3m 49s
BEEP2m 3s
install.packages4m 27s
old.packages, new.packages, and update.packages2m 44s
library and require5m 32s
Excel in R: SUM5m 51s
Excel in R: IF6m 12s
Excel in R: LOOKUP5m 17s
Excel in R: LEFT and RIGHT4m 15s
Excel in R: MATCH4m 50s
Excel in R: CHOOSE4m 46s
Excel in R: DATE4m 8s
Excel in R: DAYS3m 55s
Excel in R: FIND and FINDB3m 9s
Excel in R: INDEX2m 28s
Excel in R: COUNT4m 5s
Excel in R: AVERAGE6m 39s
Excel in R: SUMIF and AVERAGEIF5m 17s
Excel in R: COUNTIF4m 48s
Excel in R: CONCATENATE4m 23s
Excel in R: MAX and MIN6m 56s
Excel in R: PROPER4m 28s
Excel in R: AND6m 58s
Excel in R: LEN3m 57s
Excel in R: COUNTA6m 28s
Excel in R: NETWORKDAYS6m 59s
Excel in R: IFERROR6m 27s
Citation2m 39s
Vectorize5m 21s
Powerpoint from R4m 40s
Infix operator2m 30s
Kronecker2m 47s
Flowcharting3m 47s
Glue5m 20s
Crayon4m 14s
COVID-196m 5s
Apexcharter3m 23s
Factorial2m 49s
Download files5m 58s
Choose3m 3s
Beta and gamma3m 20s
as.Date()6m 23s
as.POSIXlt()5m 20s
as.POSIXct()4m 57s
Lubridate4m 41s
ISOdate()5m 26s
system.timezone() and OlsonNames()4m 46s
format()4m 28s
difftime()5m 29s
seq.Date()5m 50s
weekdays(), months(), quarters(), Julian()3m 50s
Introduction to Plumber6m 5s
Plumber request and response objects6m 43s
getwd setwd4m 24s
Use Visual Studio Code with R4m 34s
Tibbles4m 37s
Overview of dplyr4m 52s
dplyr: mutate6m 3s
dplyr: select4m 18s
dplyr: filter2m 27s
dplyr: slice and friends2m 59s
dplyr: summarise2m 55s
dplyr: arrange1m 43s
dplyr: group_by2m 34s
dbplyr translates R to SQL5m 14s
dplyr: pull4m 41s
dplyr: joins3m 50s
R7 OOP: Introduction6m 7s
R7 OOP: Properties4m 27s
R7 OOPS: Property getters and setters5m 38s
R7 OOPS: Validators3m 22s
R7 OOP: Class Inheritance3m 36s
R7 OOP: Generics and Methods6m 39s
Python with RStudio5m 12s
Animating plots3m 1s
Animating ggplot4m 3s
Introduction to Quarto6m 50s