From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022
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Understand NULL values - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022
Understand NULL values
- {Speaker} Null values in a table represent data that's not available or unknown. Since Null literally means nothing, you can't use the same comparison operators to filter records in a select statements WHERE clause like you would when comparing numbers or text strings. It just does not make any sense to ask for records where a Null is equal to something or not equal or greater than some other value. That's why SQL Server gives us two alternate ways to work with records that contain Null values. Let's take a look by creating a query that retrieves data from the WorkOrder table. We'll ask for the WorkOrderID, ScrappedQty, and ScrapReasonID columns from production.WorkOrder. This pulls information of over 72,000 individual work orders. We can see in the results that many of these work orders were completed without any issues. They didn't have any items that needed to be scrapped so the corresponding ScrapReasonID code is Null…
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Limit results with TOP4m 39s
Remove duplicates with DISTINCT2m 53s
Comparison operators3m 43s
Understand NULL values4m 42s
Match text with LIKE and wildcards4m 36s
Challenge: Retrieve matching text strings49s
Solution: Retrieve matching text strings4m 52s
Solution: Filter results from a query result4m 28s