From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022
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The IIF logical function - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022
The IIF logical function
- [Instructor] The logical function IIF will evaluate a condition and return one value if the condition is true and a different value if the condition is false. Using this function, you can have SQL Server make decisions about your data for you or help you place records into groups. To see how this works, I want to take a look at the year-to-date sales history of the employees at AdventureWorks. We'll select the BusinessEntityID and SalesYTD columns from the Sales.SalesPerson table. This shows me each employee's ID number and their current sales year-to-date. Let's suppose that we have a sales goal of $2 million, and I'd like to find out which employees have met that target goal and which ones have not. You could sort the rows or create a WHERE clause that pulls out just the people with a value over 2 million. But instead, I'd like to create a new column that reveals this information right here in these results. To…
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Use functions in T-SQL3m 10s
String functions3m 44s
Text concatenation3m 40s
Round with mathematical functions3m 13s
Find the GREATEST or LEAST value5m 5s
Work with date functions5m 56s
FORMAT date and times3m 36s
Group dates into buckets6m 10s
Return random records with NEWID2m 22s
Create a series of values5m 13s
The IIF logical function3m 39s
Write a CASE statement4m 34s
Challenge: Use functions in a SQL query49s
Solution: Use functions in a SQL query13m 55s
Solution: Use functions in a query4m 22s