From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022

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Solution: Join data in multiple tables

Solution: Join data in multiple tables - SQL Server Tutorial

From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022

Solution: Join data in multiple tables

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] For this challenge, we need to review some employee training records and locate employees that have not yet taken any additional training courses. So we're going to start by selecting everything. We'll take a look at the two tables that we have to work with. So the first table is Employees. I'll just select all the columns out of that. This table has the EMPLOYEEID column, which is the primary key, as well as the employees name. You see here we have lots of different employees to work with. Let's take a look at that other table called TrainingSessions, and I'll test the code again. So this shows me that the TrainingSessions table has the primary key here, SESSIONID. We also have the foreign key column EMPLOYEEID that links back to the Employees table. We have the specific course or the SESSIONNAME and the COMPLETIONDATE when the employee finished that course. So that's all the data that we have to work with. And so now we just need to start piecing the…
