From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022

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FORMAT date and times

FORMAT date and times

- [Instructor] Most databases will store date and time data in a numeric date and time data type, and that makes logical sense, right? But it's not uncommon to need to present those dates and times as text in reports or interactive forms. This makes them easier to read and understand for end users of the data, for instance, I think it's much easier to understand the month when I read the name August instead of the month number 8. To convert your dates into text you can use the SQL server format function. Let's take a look by working with the employee hire dates again. I'll pull out these two columns and execute the query so we can see the data that we're working with. Then on line number three, we'll start with the format function. The format function takes two arguments, the first is the data that you want to process, in our case, those values are coming out of the hire date column. The second argument is a…
