From the course: Python for Non-Programmers

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Choosing what fortune to show

Choosing what fortune to show - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python for Non-Programmers

Choosing what fortune to show

- [Instructor] Let's start working on our fortune cookie project. And let's start with the end in mind. Ultimately, what do we want to have happen? Well, we want to print out a fortune for the user, who's wondering what's going to happen to them. So let's go ahead and start with that. Let's make an example fortune that we ultimately want displayed back to the user. So we're going to print out something like, you will have a great day, and we're also going to give the user a lucky number. So let's say lucky... Let's make this more personal. Your lucky number is, and then we'll provide an lucky number like 44. And you'll notice every time I've referenced the term user, I'm just talking about the person who is using your particular project. So if we go ahead and run this, you will have a great day, you're lucky number's 44. That's a good general idea of what we want to have happen, but we don't always want it to be this exact…
