From the course: Python: Design Patterns
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Types of design patterns - Python Tutorial
From the course: Python: Design Patterns
Types of design patterns
- [Instructor] There are three different types of design patterns. One is creational, the other is structural, and another is behavioral. We use creational design patterns to build objects systematically. The main benefit behind creation of patterns lies in their flexibility. For example, different subtypes of objects from the same class can be created at runtime, when you use creational patterns. We use structural patterns to establish relationships between software components in particular settings or configurations. The goal here is to satisfy specific functional or non-functional requirements. Functional requirements refer to what software does. Non-functional requirements are how well it completes its job. The question of how fast or slow software functions belongs to the nonfunctional domain. Different requirements lead to various structure's implemented instructional patterns. Behavioral patterns are the…