From the course: Prototyping a WordPress Project in Adobe XD
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From the course: Prototyping a WordPress Project in Adobe XD
- [Instructor] We're going to be creating a functioning carousel on our home section of the website. So down here we have these little blog post teasers and if you click on the arrow indicators you will go either to the next slide or to the previous slide. So this is a really nice bit of interactivity that you can add within XD. Carousels allow multiple pieces of content to occupy a single coveted space. Based on the premise of limited space with multiple messages to deliver, carousels are used to showcase services, help sell products, and capture the attention of visitors. Let's look at how we can create this carousel within XD. Here is the file that we've been working on for our bank's board project. I have added a couple of new art boards. And these new art boards are actually just copies of our original home art board and all I've done is swapped out the carousel slide section with the various elements. I've given…
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