From the course: Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs
Using the included handouts - GPT Tutorial
From the course: Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs
Using the included handouts
- [Instructor] I've included two documents in the exercise files that you might find useful. Throughout this course, I will be providing examples of text prompts and the responses generated by GPT-4. However, it isn't feasible for me to read all the responses aloud. To accommodate, I've included a text file called Prompt Engineering - Prompts and Responses, which you can download to read or review the text at your own pace. For those learners using a screen reader, this file may be particularly helpful. The second file, called Prompt Engineering - Resources and Links. contains links to many resources you may find useful if you'd like to delve further into prompt engineering after watching the course.
Practice while you learn with exercise files
Download the files the instructor uses to teach the course. Follow along and learn by watching, listening and practicing.