From the course: Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs

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Basic prompt examples

Basic prompt examples

- As a reminder from before, a prompt can include instructions, the question, input data, and examples. In order to obtain a result, either the first or second one must be present. Everything else is optional. Now, let's look at a few examples. For all of this, we'll be using GPT-4. This first example is using a question plus instructions. "How should I write my college admission essay? Give me suggestions about the different sections I should include, what tone I should use, and what expressions I should avoid." Now, I'm not going to read the whole response to you here, but feel free to pause the video if you'd like to read the detailed response or open the exercise file call prompts and responses for review to use your screen reader software or to review at your own pace. Note how the model has retrieved pieces of advice from its past training data, and responded to the specific instructions that I gave it in the prompt.…
