From the course: Project Management Skills for Leaders

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Encourage realistic time estimates

Encourage realistic time estimates

- One of the biggest challenges facing many leaders is getting important projects completed on time, and that often hinges on the accuracy of task estimates. Project management methodologies often advance estimating techniques based on the concept of developing weighted averages, because they tend to be much more accurate. Let's consider an example that highlights how you might employ the weighted average estimating concept. Say you're leading a project that is heavily reliant on your lead developer, Ari. As you're developing an initial schedule, you need to include an estimate for her design work. Now, you could estimate that yourself based on your knowledge, and that would probably be a risky approach. Or you could ask her to provide an estimate based on her knowledge of not just the work involved, but also considering everything else on her plate and her other commitments. That would be better, but there's an even…
