From the course: Project Management Skills for Leaders

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Co-create a project task outline and schedule

Co-create a project task outline and schedule

From the course: Project Management Skills for Leaders

Co-create a project task outline and schedule

- While kickoff meetings usually focus on the broad, overarching characteristics of a project, it's also important to discuss the meat of the project so that everybody understands the work to be completed. While the goal isn't to focus on the details or drill down on too many specifics, it's so helpful, if each attendee can walk away with a high level understanding of the project work from start to finish. The real question is how do you actually do that? Well, project managers often use a breakdown method where you simply break the project into manageable phases, defined either chronologically or functionally. For example, if we were planning a party, we could define the first level phases chronologically as requirements development planning, execution, and then clean up and follow up. Or a functional approach might yield these categories, invites, food, decor, entertainment, and so on. Once categories are defined, subgroups…
