From the course: Programming Foundations: Web Security

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File upload abuse

File upload abuse

- File upload abuse is when an attacker abuses the public file upload features of a website. It's common for web applications to allow users to upload files. These are a few common examples when web application might encourage users to send in images, video, or other files. There are many ways that file upload features can be abused. The most common types of abuse are uploading files which are too numerous, too large or too frequent. Too many files or files which are too large can use up all of a server's storage space. Files sent too frequently can slow down server processing or monopolize server connections, potentially even leading to a denial of service. Another potential abuse is users uploading the wrong content type. For example, the application expects an image but the user uploads a movie instead. Malware represents the most serious form of file upload abuse. Malware gets its name from malicious software.…
