From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design

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User stories

User stories

- User stories are another written format for describing parts of an application, but they're shorter and simpler than a use case. A user story still describes a single small scenario from a user's perspective, focusing on their goal, what they want to do and why rather than focusing on the system. But unlike a use case, which can be several pages, a user story is typically written as just one, perhaps two, sentences and they're very commonly written on index cards because that forces us to keep them short and sweet. Even though they're concise, user stories generally follow a format that looks something like this. As a, type of user or role, I want, here you describe the goal, so that, the reason or the benefit. The final part, the so that, is optional, but it's very useful to provide context on how this application will be used. - Here's one for you. As an astronaut, I want to heat up my food so that I can eat a…
