From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design

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Use cases

Use cases

- After hashing out the feature focused requirements that say what the system or application must do, it's time to shift focus towards the user and how they accomplish a particular goal, and one way to capture that is as a use case. There isn't a single right way to write use cases, and they could be written at several levels of formality. But at the very least, a use case needs three essential things: a title that describes a goal, the person who will interact with the application to achieve that goal, referred to as a primary actor, and the execution flow, or steps needed to accomplish the goal, the success scenario here. The title for a use case should be a short phrase with an active verb that describes a goal. - Well, as an astronaut, my first goal would be to heat up a delicious meal package. - A title for that use case could simply be Heat Meal. - What if I want to set a timer to heat that meal package later so…
