From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
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Solution: Jukebox requirements - Python Tutorial
From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
Solution: Jukebox requirements
- To work our way towards a solution for the challenge of defining jukebox requirements, we'll use the FIRBS acronym as a guide. "F" stands for Functionality. So, we'll start with functional requirements, the things the system must do. Some of the core functions of a jukebox, or pretty much any music player, include maintaining a music library of albums and songs, allowing users to browse those albums and songs, and, in our case, allowing users to select individual songs, and preventing them from playing full albums. They will also need to maintain a queue of songs to play. - Let's not forget, the most important functionality. The jukebox needs to actually play music. It'd be a pretty lousy jukebox, otherwise. You know, in addition to letting the user browse by album, I think we should include a button that they can click to sort the songs by artist. - That's a good idea, but it should be phrased differently as a…