From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
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Challenge: Jukebox use cases - Python Tutorial
From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
Challenge: Jukebox use cases
- It's time for another challenge. This time you'll be writing use cases and user stories to help design a jukebox to go onto a spaceship so astronauts can listen to music on their way to the moon. This is an extension of the previous challenge problem where we defined requirements for the space jukebox. If you completed that challenge, then you can use the requirements that you defined as a basis for this challenge problem. Otherwise, feel free to build on our partial set of requirements shown here. Your goal for this challenge is to write at least two use cases and two user stories for the jukebox. But, if you're feeling inspired, you can certainly write more for extra practice. I'll leave the format and level of detail for the use cases up to you. You can write the scenarios as a paragraph or a list of steps. Either one is fine. This is an open-ended challenge with a wide range of possible solutions so take some…