From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
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Challenge: Jukebox requirements - Python Tutorial
From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
Challenge: Jukebox requirements
- All right folks, it's time for a challenge to practice defining requirements. Our astronauts need some music for their long journey to the moon. So we need your help to design a juke box for our moon shuttle. - Now astronauts don't carry money with them, so this juke box will be free to use. - But we don't want to let just one person pick all the music and drive the others crazy, like our last road trip together. - I can't help it, I love disco. - [Female Scientist]The juke box should let a user select an album from the available music library, and then choose individual songs from that album to be played. And as an extra precaution, if one astronaut adds more than three songs in a row to the play queue, and another astronaut wants to play a song, they'll jump ahead in line. Now, your goal for this challenge is to write a set of requirements to design the juke box. Try to come up with at least three functional and…