From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
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Challenge: Jukebox class relationships - Python Tutorial
From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
Challenge: Jukebox class relationships
- Congratulations, you've reached the fifth and final challenge of this course. It builds on the previous four challenges, to create a full class diagram for a spaceship jukebox. For this challenge, you'll be identifying the relationships between classes. If you have your own set of class diagrams from completing the previous challenges, then I encourage you to work from those. Otherwise, feel free to use our class diagrams, shown here. Your goal is to identify opportunities between the classes to implement things like inheritance, interfaces, aggregation, and or composition. And then modify your class diagrams with the appropriate UML markings to indicate those class relationships. To do that correctly, you may need to add or remove some attributes and methods from your existing classes or even create some new classes. That's all part of the challenge. There are a lot of possible solutions here, so take some time to think…
Identifying inheritance situations4m 55s
Using inheritance2m 44s
Abstract and concrete classes3m 10s
Interfaces4m 15s
Aggregation2m 3s
Composition1m 45s
Challenge: Jukebox class relationships1m 6s
Solution: Jukebox class relationships3m 17s