From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
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Abstraction - Python Tutorial
From the course: Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design
- There are four fundamental ideas in object-oriented programming to keep in mind when creating classes. And they have the wonderful names Abstraction. Polymorphism. Inheritance. And Encapsulation. And one way I like to remember these terms is with the delicious acronym A-P-I-E. A pie! Now, these four words can sound intimidating, but you probably do most of them already in daily thought and conversation, even if you don't use these fancy academic terms to describe them. Let me prove that with the first one: Abstraction. If I say, 'person' you know what I mean. I didn't specify who I was thinking of. I didn't even describe the person. Male or female. Tall or short. You might have imagined someone in particular. That's OK. But I don't have to get that specific because you understand the idea of a person. You've known and encountered enough real people to abstract the idea of what a person means. Abstraction…