From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services

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Create a web service

Create a web service

- Let's say you have information, or data, that you would like to share with others. The easiest way to give them access is to put a SOAP based web service on top of your data. Java EE is the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, formally Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, currently called Jakarta EE. It is a set of specifications extending Java SE 8 with specifications for Enterprise features, such as distributed distributed computing and web services. So, specifically from Java EE, we will use JAX-WS and that's the Java API for XML based web services. And there are annotations included that make it very easy, like web service and web method. We'll take a look at both of those. So let's navigate to IntelliJ. So I've opened the project and now let's navigate to the SOAP folder and click on application service. So that is what's showing here on the right hand pane. Now a simple POGO, plain old Java object, can be turned into a…
