From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services
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Consume a SOAP web service via SoapUI
From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services
Consume a SOAP web service via SoapUI
- [Instructor] SoapUI is a tool for testing web services and provides features that allow you to conduct various types of testing. SoapUI has been downloaded more than 3 million times and it is really the de facto standard for testing Soap-based web services. In this instance, we will use it to test the publicly available Soap-based web service that we consumed in the previous demo. If you haven't watched the previous demo take a look at it so you can learn more about the number conversion service by DataFlex, that we'll be testing. So, SoapUI can be downloaded from this URL downloads/latest-release.html, and there are various versions for different platforms. So I've downloaded and installed the version for Mac OS. So now let's navigate to SoapUI. Notice here, in the upper left hand corner you see several projects. So, SoapUI projects are the central point in all SoapUI testing. Once you create a project you can…
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