From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services
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Consume a SOAP web service
From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services
Consume a SOAP web service
- [Instructor] Let's look at how you can consume a publicly available SOAP-based web service by integrating this web service into an existing application. So I've pulled up the webpage for the Number Conversion Service. So this is publicly accessible. So this public API that we are going to consume is a fun one. It takes a number and it converts it to the word form of that number. So this number conversion web service is implemented by a company called DataFlex, and notice there are two options, one, NumberToWords and the second, NumberToDollars. We are going to use NumbertoWords, so let's click on it. So the way this service works, if you enter a number, let's say two, nine, three, one, and you click Invoke, notice it returns the words, two thousand nine hundred and thirty one. So let's look at the WSDL file, and remember, this is also called the service description file. So this is the WSDL. And notice it's…
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