From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services
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Considerations of web services
From the course: Programming Foundations: APIs and Web Services
Considerations of web services
- Web services make sense in a lot of cases. But there are some cases when a web service isn't the best choice. Two common concerns that should be considered are latency and partial failures. Let's look at each of these. Latency is the amount of time it takes once a request is made to receive a response. High latency is the term used to indicate any kind of delay that happens in data communication over a network. Let's say you want to buy an airline ticket online. You enter your origin and departure cities, your travel dates, and you click the search button. And wow, it's five minutes later and you still haven't received a response. That is considered to be high latency. Luckily I was one of the original developers on the booking engine of So your response time is fast with low latency. Latency increases when the client and server are running in different machines and can slow some systems down. Latency is…
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