From the course: Product Innovation for Product Managers
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The science to improving creativity and innovation
From the course: Product Innovation for Product Managers
The science to improving creativity and innovation
- We've all been in that brainstorm session. It's run by an innovation consultant who makes a group do an awkward warm-up exercise that just seems silly. Well, turns out, there's good science to those exercises. Research has shown that those crazy activities foster the emotions and create the state of mind to stimulate creativity. So let's cover the science and pair it with a couple simple exercises that you can do on your own or with your team. First, studies show that humor helps unleash creativity. Using brain scans, researchers at North Western University found that just prior to having a creative insight, the brain's anterior cingulate cortex or ACC shows increased activity. This is the part of the brain that regulates attention and problem solving. Then, the researchers discovered that watching a comedy video increases ACC activity. What's more? Study participants who watched the comedy then performed better on a creative problem solving test than participants who didn't. A…
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