From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
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Working with markers - Pro Tools Tutorial
From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
Working with markers
- [Instructor] Once you're comfortable adding markers to your sessions, for playback or to audition changes. for the section following the verse. Such as, the second chorus. Let's demonstrate by selecting the first vocal phrase. I'll put my cursor on the vocals track here, and recall the first marker by clicking on it, and recall the first marker by clicking on it, and then hold shift and click on the second marker and then hold shift and click on the second marker making a selection that extends from making a selection that extends from the first marker to the second. the first marker to the second. Now this technique can be used with any recall method. So to select the second vocal phrase, I can recall the second marker by pressing period, two, period and then recall the third marker and then recall the third marker by pressing period, three, period while holding shift. by pressing period, three, period while holding shift. And that also…
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Timeline selections versus edit selections3m 28s
Working with Edit Selections4m 8s
Navigating and selecting with precision5m 36s
Changing your track display5m 44s
Adding markers to your session4m 1s
Using markers for quick navigation2m 53s
Working with markers3m 37s
Challenge: Adding markers1m 33s
Solution: Adding markers1m 56s