From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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Saving and closing Pro Tools files

Saving and closing Pro Tools files

- [Narrator] Saving and closing sessions after working when performing these operations. After creating a session and completing any substantial work to prevent data loss. and as these are file based commands, which updates the session on disk with the latest changes. Underneath that is the Save As command which creates a new session on disk with the latest changes leaving the original session unchanged. This lets you create a copy of the .ptx file Under Save As is the Save Copy In command. This command creates a separate session copy on disk, while allowing you to continue to work while allowing you to continue to work on the current session. This can be used to create checkpoints as you work This can be used to create checkpoints as you work and continue to update the original file. and continue to update the original file. I'll cover this command in more detail in a later video. I'll cover this command in more detail in a later video. Now once you're finished…
