From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
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Creating a click track - Pro Tools Tutorial
From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
Creating a click track
- [Instructor] To help performers you can use a click track. and once added, it's easy to control when the click plays back. Let's take a look. I'm working in a session with a few tracks set up to record a simple piece of background music. of 120 beats per minute. I want to set up a click track This will allow me to provide them with a countoff is simply an aux input track that uses a special plugin to generate a metronome-style click based on the session tempo. Pro Tools provides a shortcut method To create a click track, we'll choose Track > Create Click Track. Pro Tools appends a click track to the end of the session. To make sure the click track is enabled, you can go under the Options menu and verify that the click option is checked. If not, you can select it here to make it active. at the click track in the Mix window. Here, we see our fully configured click track. In the Insert section, we have a plugin assigned called Click II. Y clicking on that plugin button, You can choose…
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Verifying available space for recording3m 57s
Setting the session tempo2m 45s
Creating a click track4m 38s
Preparing to record4m 39s
Conducting an audio record pass5m 24s
Organizing after recording5m 57s
Challenge: Recording audio1m 35s
Solution: Recording audio2m 45s