From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
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Audio basics: The characteristics of sound - Pro Tools Tutorial
From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
Audio basics: The characteristics of sound
how it travels, and what some of its characteristics are. We'll learn about compression and rarefaction to understand how sound waves behave, on the audio events we hear. When a physical event occurs in nature, it causes vibrations that we perceive as sound. The vibration of the object causes changes in the surrounding air pressure. As air molecules are displaced, in some areas, and low pressure in others. As the vibration continues, a repeating pattern of compressions and rarefactions occurs The sound wave moves through the acoustic space, eventually reaching our ears, where we perceive it as a sound. as the amplitude of the measurement. This affects our perception of the loudness of the sound. We measure amplitude or loudness in decibels, or dB. of compressions and rarefactions occurs per second, we can determine the frequency of the sound wave. The frequency affects our perception of the pitch of the sound. by measuring the sound wave is what we commonly refer to as a waveform.…
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Pro Tools history and evolution4m 51s
Audio basics: The characteristics of sound2m 34s
Transducers: How sound is converted to an electrical signal2m 24s
Converting audio to digital format: Sample rate2m 49s
Converting audio to digital format: Bit depth3m 25s
Pro Tools software configurations2m 38s
Pro Tools hardware options2m 39s