From the course: Principles of Sustainable Development

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Transformation challenge

Transformation challenge

(gentle music) - Agenda 2030 is about transforming the world. Sustainable development is about transforming how our economies function. Our economies and our global economy that knits together the national economies through trade and finance and technology flows, does a pretty good job of creating economic growth and wealth, but it does not do such a good job of creating social inclusion that is shared prosperity. It has not been great at ending extreme poverty in certain parts of the world. And it certainly has not looked after the natural environment. We're in the midst of three mega environmental crises right now. One is human induced climate change. The second is the massive destruction of biological diversity and the weakening of how the ecosystems function. And the third crisis is mega pollution, air and water pollution. Oceans filled with litter and microplastics that are now in the fish and in the whole…
