From the course: Prevent Team Burnout as a Manager
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Four tips to prevent meeting fatigue
From the course: Prevent Team Burnout as a Manager
Four tips to prevent meeting fatigue
- Meeting fatigue is not a new phenomenon, but it has most definitely gotten worse. Zoom meetings have increased by 3300% by October 2020. All of this time spent in meetings is leading us to feel burned out. And we aren't supposed to be on videoconferencing calls all day. Not only are we sitting four to seven more hours per day, but it's also negatively impacting our mental health. Actually, according to Dr. Jeremy Bailenson, who is a research director at Stanford Media Lab, Zoom burnout is very real. He cites multiple reasons why these constant video meetings are harming us, and I'll share two that really stood out to me. First, excessive amounts of close-up eye contact is way too intense for us. Actually, Dr. Bailenson says that the only time in real life where we would be this close-up would be when we're either fighting someone or mating with them. And it's literally putting us into the subconscious state of…
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