From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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GMAT Quantitative overview

GMAT Quantitative overview

- [Instructor] So let's talk about the quantitative section aka the math section. So in this video, we'll go over the basics of what to expect in GMAT Quant. In the quantitative section, aka quant, there are 31 questions and you'll have 62 minutes and it tests arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics, and word problems. It's a pretty basic math, just tested in creative, wordy, strange ways sometimes. So, there's nothing crazy like calculus to worry about in the test. So when you're doing this section, about half of the quant questions are problem solving. So these are just multiple choice, answers A through E. The other half are what they call data sufficiency. So this is a question with two statements. You have to choose if one of the statements both either or neither of them are sufficient to answer the question. So in the quantitative section, reasoning and logic are important, not just math. It's not enough to be good at math but you do have to sometimes think when you're doing a…
