From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Color and Exposure Problems

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What you should know about Premiere Pro

What you should know about Premiere Pro

- While this course is going to take you through the entire process of color correction and color grading, it does assume that you have a basic familiarity with Premier Pro. This will include things like being able to open a project, navigate the timeline, go to the project panel to open bins, and perhaps find clips. Now to make things a lot easier, we've already set up all the sequences, so you're not going to be doing much editing, but you will need to be able to select clips and load their controls and navigate. These sequences are all laid out for you to really help you explore the benefits. Now, I'm going to be using the current version of Adobe Premier Pro and that's great, but what you may find is that as time passes, the application changes slightly. That's okay. The application itself has been pretty stable for some time, meaning that while the Lumetri effect keeps getting a bit better and there's small refinements, the overall user interface has stayed consistent for a very…
