From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Color and Exposure Problems

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Saving creative corrections as a look

Saving creative corrections as a look

- As you work inside Premiere Pro 2 or any video tool these days, 3 LUTs are going to become more and more common. 4 Remember, Premiere offers two different types of LUTs. 5 Under the basic correction, we have a standard LUT, 6 which is usually loaded as a cube file. 7 This is a broadly supported format that you'll see used 8 with lots of applications. 9 You can use it between Adobe apps, for example, 10 from Premiere to After Effects, 11 or from Photoshop to Premiere 12 and even between manufacturers. 13 But there's also a format called a look, 14 which can include things like the sharpen effect 15 and the vignette that's been applied. 16 So as we take a look here at this first shot, 17 I see a few things at play. 18 I'll select the clip and take a look at the Lumetri panel. 19 And down here under vignettes, 20 there's been a vignette applied. 21 Additionally, in the creative section, 22 I see that we've sharpened some of…
