From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Color and Exposure Problems
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Customizing the vignette effect - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Color and Exposure Problems
Customizing the vignette effect
- Now the standard vignette inside of the Lumetri panel is quite useful. You saw it in use in the previous movie, and I'll just quickly revisit it. Remember, the amount slider will lighten or darken the edges. The midpoint expands or contracts the circle and the roundness will change the overall shape of the effect. And then feather creates a hard or soft edge. So while that was useful to darken the edges, it doesn't really deal with the fact that our subject isn't right in the middle. So what I tend to do is create a more custom vignette. Come up here to the top of the Lumetri panel here, I'm going to add another instance of the Lumetri color effect, and I'll rename that vignette. Flower and click okay. Now, over in the effect controls, I see both instances of the Lumetri effect. I'll click on the pen tool here and adjust my zoom level a bit and just create a simple shape. We'll start by clicking the ellipse and we can move that over to the shape here and start to change the overall…
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Applying a creative look3m 47s
Adjusting filmic qualities3m 27s
Sharpening your video2m 58s
Adjusting color stylistically5m 13s
Split toning for shadows and highlights5m 56s
Customizing the vignette effect5m 26s
Saving creative corrections as a look4m 58s