From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Setting up a sequence

Setting up a sequence

- [Instructor] Once you've marked your shots, you're ready to start building your sequence. There are a few ways you can start a sequence. I'm going to go into my 3.3 bin where I have a few sub clips that I'm going to lay into a sequence. Now, the first way is what we learned in chapter two which is just drag and drop into an empty timeline before we dragged and dropped from the source monitor. But you can also drag and drop right from the project panel. So I'm going to just select both of these and then drag and drop. Now I'll come over here and rename this. I'm just going to call this demo 1, and let's put that in our sequences example bin. When you drag and drop one or more clips, Premiere Pro is going to automatically set up a sequence that matches the settings of your clip, and specifically, the first clip that you drag in. This is great because you don't have to predetermine what the video properties are. You just throw…
